HBA: Wired for Wellness – Tuesday, April 24

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Join Success Leaders Founder Rochelle Cooper on Tuesday, April 24! Rochelle will moderate an exciting panel for Executive Women in the pharmaceutical industry. Wired for Wellness takes place at Sanofi in Bridgewater, NJ so don’t miss out.

This panel will include leadership expertise in resilience, executive challenge, and neuro-leadership. Listen as Rochelle Cooper guides them through a fascinating discussion. This breakfast brims with tips on improving personal resilience and focus on wellness.

Wired for Wellness Speakers

Speakers and their areas of discussion include:

  • Holly Schachner, medical affairs head for North America, diabetes and cardiovascular business unit and US medical chair at Sanofi. Holly will provide introductory remarks and also be our host for the event at Sanofi’s Bridgewater headquarters.
  • Carmela Bennett, embodied leadership expert, Columbia University. Carmela will discuss our mind-body connection in resilience by accessing our interconnected system of thoughts, emotions and neuromuscular physiology. This helps naturally develop a powerful leadership presence, improves interpersonal communications, and also builds leadership style.
  • Denice Torres, HBA 2015 Woman of the Year, keynote speaker and founder of Ignited Company, previous senior executive at J&J. Denice will share tips on achieving success through optimism, courage, and resilience.
  • Gisele Shelley, executive coach, program director for the conference board. Gisele will share insights on “unpacking your backpack of stress and building in opportunities for wellness.

Attendees can expect to walk away from this exciting panel having understood the triggers that reduce resilience and wellness in our daily lives. Also, you’ll learn how to be able to focus on your best self and leadership style. Finally, attendees will takeaway tips and tools that help you strengthen your skills in a wired world.

Don’t delay: Register Now.

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